A musical experience designed for preschool children. We offer classes for 0-1 and 2-3 year-olds. Young drummers and their caregivers are encouraged to explore and experiment with instruments and sounds while experiencing the rhythms created by the teachers and adults. Our pre-school program combines free-roam exploration with group activities that are perfect for young minds looking to develop their musical skills.
A percussion class designed for K-2nd graders. This is the perfect class to introduce group music, music reading, and percussion to your child. Students take part in engaging games and activities that build fundamental skills on well-known and accessible instruments like boom-whackers, deskbells, bucket drums, and Orff marimbas!
A percussion class designed for 3rd-5th graders. This group class gives students a chance to take ownership over their musicianship while furthering their skills on all types of percussion instruments. Students will be able to improve their music reading, rhythm, and ensemble skills in this fun and active percussion class.
This class takes middle and high schoolers through a variety of percussion idioms. Students have the opportunity to play a variety of instruments including hand drums, orchestral percussion, found objects, and more. Our studies center on developing technique, music reading skills, and creating our own music.
This class takes middle and high schoolers through a variety of percussion idioms. A percussion ensemble that covers pop songs! We create our own arragements of our students' favorite songs and bring them to life with drumset, hand percussion, and melodic mallet instruments. This class uses written music to teach the students their part, but reading music is not a requirement to join the class
This class will build the musicality and fundamental techniques on hand drums for adults to students as young as 15 years-old. The curriculum will take the students through many playing styles and opportunities to play grooves on a variety of hand-held instruments.